Lillian Pierson, P.E.
Product Manager

I ♥

Lillian Pierson, P.E.

I am Lillian Pierson. I have 18 years of experience launching and developing technology products and delivering strategic consulting services. Additionally, I’ve also managed the development and launch of dozens of e-learning products; Products that educate learners on how to apply data science, data strategy, and business strategy to increase profits for their companies. To date, the products I’ve managed have been consumed by ~2 million learners and have generated over $6M in revenue for my clients.

I have launched over 40 products globally, delivered in 4 different languages. My products & go-to-market strategies have supported organizations as large as Walmart, Amazon, Microsoft, Dell & the US Navy. In fact, over the last 10 years I’ve supported 10% of Fortune 100 companies.

Besides my extensive business background, I’m also an accomplished data scientist & engineer, having held licensure as a Professional Engineer since 2014.

You can take a peek at my CV here.

If you'd like to discuss the possibility of me supporting your company & team, I'd love to chat with and can be easily reached you at

When managed effectively, a company's data resources and data expertise can often produce 10x, 100x, (sometimes even 1000x) ROI, but for every shining success story there are 4 other data projects quietly and dismally failing. In 2019, the AI Global Executive Study and Research Report by MIT Sloan Management Review stated that 70% of companies report virtually no impact from their investment into AI[1] while Gartner is reporting that, through 2022, 85% of AI projects will fail to produce their intended outcomes[2].

At the same time, the data professionals whose job it is to implement these data solutions struggle to get promoted. 85% of them lack the strategic, management, and business know-how that’s required to secure a data leadership position. Consequently they stay working in an implementation-capacity, building out analytics and AI products that don’t deliver ROI, and feel unsatisfied and confused as to how to move ahead in their own data careers.

A major contributor for the high failure rates across data and AI projects is the glaring domain expertise gap between business leaders and data professionals. Business leaders are responsible for leading the company to reach its revenue goals and fulfill its vision. They’re known for their ability to make excellent strategic decisions on behalf of the business, and steer the managerial ship in the right direction. Leaders can’t be expected to know the in’s and out’s of how to manage data projects effectively, nor should they be. This responsibility belongs to the leaders of the data projects or products in question, and herein lies the problem.

To effectively and responsibly lead a data or AI project, a data professional needs:

    • Data and AI expertise: One must know the ins-and-outs of data technologies, resources, and skillsets,
    • Data strategy skills: Know how to assess an organization at current state and deliver a strategic plan for utilizing the company’s data technologies, resources, and skillsets to reach future state goals, and
    • Leadership skills: Work with technical teams and stakeholders to manage the implementation of the data strategy plan.

Training and educational resources on data implementation skills abound. The market is flooded with courses and books that teach people how to build predictive models, but very few educational resources are available to teach data professionals how to align their work with the business vision and protect (or even monitor) the ROI of their data projects.

The Data Strategy Product Suite was designed to be an affordable, scalable solution to help data professionals get unstuck and upleveled into their next pay-grade by delivering fail-proof, profit-forming data projects. The objective of this product suite directly supports its broader mission, which is to solve the data industry’s problem of high data project failure rates and low ROI from businesses’ investments into data initiatives.

Prior to defining and ideating around the concept for this product suite, I spent 3 years delivering face-to-face data strategy training sessions and workshops with clients all over the world, from Saudi Aramco to a micro-lending institution in Uganda, from the government of Kazakhstan to the Central Bank of Malaysia, and everything in between. Delivering these training sessions allowed me to directly interact with, and interview, the potential customer base for the Data Strategy Product Suite. The data strategy workshops I conducted served as quasi-focus groups that helped me understand the problems customers are facing and how those problems negatively impact the bottom-line of the businesses they support.

In these interviews and focus groups, there were two consistent segments of potential customers. Those were:
    • Business leaders
    • Data professionals
To build an effective data strategy, one needs to have a firm understanding of what’s involved in the delivery and requirements of data science and analytics projects, so based on my interactions with these earlier customers I decided it made more sense to build a product that focuses on serving the “data professionals” segment.

Our community is composed of working professionals who've all self-identified as "data professionals" of some genre. To better understand the members of our community and their pain points, we conducted a survey and then more interviews.

We started by conducting a voice-of-customer survey of 60 potential customers from our community and asking questions to establish their perspectives, pain points, goals, and motivations.

We asked each survey participant to answer the following 12 questions:

  1. Do you (or someone from your company) consistently measure the progress / success of data initiatives against quarterly benchmarks?
  2. How much money does your organization make in profits each year (in USD)?
  3. How many meetings per month do you attend where you all just end up passing your ideas around on what to do about data strategy, without any real follow-through?
  4. How often are your data projects getting side-tracked on unintended tangents?
  5. What is your biggest frustration with your organization’s current data initiatives?
  6. Do you wish you had more meaningful relationships with other data leaders across your industry?
  7. Tell us about your organization… Who do you help and how do you help them?
  8. What stage of data strategy planning are you in?
  9. What is your biggest frustration with respect to the business side of things at your organization?
  10. Where would you like your organization’s data initiatives to be 6 months from now?
  11. What is your #1 priority for your data projects over the next 12 months?
  12. In what country are you based?

After a thorough evaluation of the responses to these questions, we identified one core variable by which to segment respondents; A categorical variable called “Confidence”. The confidence variable represents the respondent’s degree of confidence with respect to their own data literacy and expertise, where respondents identified as one of the following:
    • Exceptional - Respondent believes that he / she is top-of-class with respect to their data expertise.
    • High - Respondent believes that he / she has solid data expertise, but is not an all out expert.
    • Medium - Respondent believes that he / she is data literate and has some data expertise.
    • Low - Respondent believes that he / she is barely data literate.
    • None - Respondent believes that he / she has no data literacy or expertise whatsoever.

After segmenting potential customers by their “Confidence” we identified that respondents who said that they have a “High” degree of confidence also demonstrated that they were aware that they both needed and wanted a solution to help them achieve:
    • Performance-based pay increases (ie; they want more money)
    • More confidence with respect to communicating and presenting to business leaders and stakeholders (ie; they want more influence)
    • More meaningful relationships with other data leaders (ie; they want more audience & influence)

After evaluating responses from participants who fell within other categories of the “Confidence” variable, we decided that members of the “High” degree of confidence had the greatest potential to:
    • Solve the industry problem
    • Take action and get results they’re after (described above)
Based on this conclusion, we excluded responses from the respondents that did not belong to the “High” category of the “Confidence” variable.
From the responses that remained, we looked at the survey response data for indicators of urgency, and whether a data strategy planning solution would actually be an appropriate solution to the problems exhibited by these potential customers, and across the data industry at-large.

Key results from that analysis were as follows:

The most notable takeaway from this analysis was that, although all of these potential customers had a high degree of confidence in their data expertise, 86% of them said that they have little or no knowledge of the processes required to lead profit-forming data projects.

From this we concluded that we have a group of potential customers who consider themselves to be data experts, and who had a high potential to be tapped by their companies to lead data projects, yet who also had no significant understanding of how to lead a data project or product in a way that produces profitable results for their companies.

From this we concluded that we have a group of potential customers who consider themselves to be data experts, and who had a high potential to be tapped by their companies to lead data projects, yet who also had no significant understanding of how to lead a data project or product in a way that produces profitable results for their companies. A remarkable 32% of these same respondents reported that they were already in the process of formulating a data strategy plan. 50% of respondents said that no one at their company was consistently measuring the success of data initiatives against quarterly benchmarks. Almost 50% of these respondents said that they were working at a company that generated over 7-figures in annual profits. From these survey findings we established that there was a strong product-market fit for a data strategy support product to help these highly confident data experts and their companies deliver more successful, profitable data projects and products.
Once we’d established product-market fit, we went deeper with the highly confident respondents, to uncover their most pressing problems with respect to leading data initiatives, and how those problems present themselves in the daily lives of our potential customers. We looked again at the survey responses and selected 3 individuals who’d submitted particularly interesting responses. We invited each of them to a customer interview session. Based on those interviews, and our working knowledge about our existing customer base, we came away with two clear customer personas for whom we’d develop this data strategy support product.

The most notable takeaway from our analysis was that, although all of these potential customers had a high degree of confidence in their data expertise, 86% of them said that they have little or no knowledge of the processes required to lead profit-forming data projects.

Data Leaders (working in an employment capacity)

Independent Data Consultants

Lean Canvas

Customer Journey Maps


    Transformation statement: As a VP of Data Analytics, I want to deliver a high-impact, profit-forming data project, so that I can earn a bonus or promotion.
    Timeframe: Customer should be able to use the product to deliver a “quick win” data project within 90-days.
    Success Criteria: Project hits delivery milestones and produces the desired business outcome, as determined individually by each user.
    As a data leader,
I want to use the product only on my local computer, so that I can avoid violating my company's strict IT security policies.
I want the product to include sharable .pdf, Word, and Excel files that I can use in delegating tasks, so that I can gather input efficiently from team members, without requiring needless meetings and calls.
I want the product's tools and resources to be completely downloadable and fully accesible from within a highly secure IT environment, so that I can use the product without needing to make my own on-premise version from scratch.
I want the product to guide me to create a data strategy plan in 3 months or less so that I can quickly get approval for the project, deliver it, and receive appropriate accolades / awards for earning our company a "quick win".
I expect the product to be fully operational and complete upon purchase, so that I do not have to spend time troubleshooting a broken product and then request a refund.
I want the entire product to be delivered to me automatically upon purchase, so I can use it right away to kick-off planning requirements, without needing to spend time wading through course curriculum and live training sessions.
I want the product to come with all the user manuals and instructions that are required, so I can use it right away without having to spend my time emailing with customer service or asking questions.
I want the product to come with an easy access user community, so I can network with fellow data strategists, and possibly even hire an experienced contractor to help us deliver the project.


    Transformation statement: As the Founder of an early-stage data start-up, I want to start selling data consulting services so that I can increase the revenue my company generates from its service offers.
    Acceptance Criteria: The product shall enable customers to define the scope of a consulting contract within 15 days.
    Success Metric: Consulting contract signed within 30 days.
    As a data entrepreneur,
I want to access the product both on my local computer and in a cloud environment, so that I can access the product even if I don't have stable wifi and I can access it using other devices besides my local computer.
I want to collaborate with my team across the product, so that I can produce a strategic plan more efficiently by easily delegating tasks to my team members.
I need the product to guide me in delivering a data strategy plan within 3 months so that my time estimates are accurate when I sell the data strategy planning service.
I expect the product to be fully operational and complete upon purchase, so that I do not have to spend time troubleshooting a broken product and then request a refund.
I want the product to be delivered to me immediately upon purchase, so I can use it right away to build my new service offer.
I want the product to be delivered to me automatically upon purchase, so I can use it right away to build my new service offer without having to spend my time emailing with customer service or signing contracts.
I want the product to come with all the user manuals and instructions that are required, so I can use it right away without having to spend my time emailing with customer service or asking questions.
I want the product to come with an easy access user community, so I can interact with and learn from fellow data strategists.
    Acceptance Criteria, Combined
    The entire Product Suite shall perform to specification both on-premise and in a cloud environment.
    The Data Strategy Action Plan shall provide collaborative functionality to assist customers in delegating its implementation.
    The Data Strategy Starter Kit’s assessment tools shall be deployable in a cloud environment.
    The Data Strategy Action Plan shall enable customers to deliver a data strategy plan within 3 months by following the 44 action items prescribed in the plan.
    The refund request rate for the entire Data Strategy Product Suite shall not be greater than 2%.
    The entire Data Strategy Product Suite should be made completely accessible to the customer within 5 minutes of purchase.
    The entire Data Strategy Product Suite should be delivered via automation and not require any action on the part of the customer to access the solution.
    The Data Strategy Product Suite shall come complete with all instructions and context needed for the customer to use it without requesting additional guidance.
    The Data Strategy Product Suite shall provide a user group where customers can go to network with other customers.

Business Risk

Insufficient traffic to the sales page will cause the product to stagnate and under-deliver on business expectations.


Once we have a viable upsell product, it is prudent to bring in an ads agency to deliver ads traffic.

Programmatic Risk

Overly-complicated UX design will decrease product usability. This will eventually increase customer churn. It will also decrease word-of-mouth marketing, thus increasing the cost of customer acquisition.


Soft launch the MVP to a small user group and collect user feedback. Refine and improve the UX based on that feedback.
Business Model: Digital Products Business

Product-Specific Pricing Model: Value-Based Pricing

The Data Strategy Product Suite is priced well under the amount of monetary value the product is proven to create for the user. This under-pricing strategy dramatically increases the conversion rate of the sales page and the upsell potential of each customer. With ads enabled, this product is intended to generate enough revenue to:
  1. Cover the cost of customer acquisition and
  2. Produce a small profit.
Most of the profit that this product produces will come from customer upsells and cross-sells once the customer has been acquired.
Revenue Generation:

Organic Traffic

When traffic is generated through organic channels (ie; social media, email newsletters, and website breadcrumbs) this product suite generates at least $1,000/month in direct sales, which represents passive profits for the business.

Ads Traffic

When traffic is generated through online advertising, the product can tolerate an ad spend up to $80 per customer.
If the cost of customer acquisition exceeds this figure, then the product suite will not achieve its intended business outcomes and should be further optimized.

If the cost per customer acquisition is at- or under-budget, then the product will have achieved its intended outcome goals, but should be further optimized for better return on ad spend (ROAS) performance.
Data Mania

Data Strategy Action Plan,
version 3

a step-by-step checklist & collaborative Trello Board planner for data professionals who want to get unstuck & up-leveled into their next promotion by delivering a fail-proof data strategy plan for their data projects

Data Use Case Evaluation Workbox,
version 3

a tool & resource bundle that dramatically shortcuts the path to selecting the optimal data use case around which to build your winning data strategy

Data Strategy Starter Kit,
version 3

a transformative digital asset bundle that dramatically decreases the time it’ll take you to build a data strategy plan that actually boosts profits for your company, so you can get promoted in record time

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