Free training on how to build an AI robot with nvidia jetbot and OpenAI chat controller

NVIDIA Jetbot free training: Build cutting-edge AI robots with OpenAI chat controllers

Picture of Lillian Pierson, P.E.

Lillian Pierson, P.E.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have you ever imagined a world where robots are seamlessly integrated with human-like intelligence, responding not just to pre-programmed commands but also engaging in real-time interactions? If you’re a developer or data professional, or even just someone with a keen interest in cutting-edge technology, I have some exciting news for you! In today’s post you’re going to see all the latest that NVIDIA is up to in the world of robotics, and even get access to a free tutorial on how to use NVIDIA Jetbot with OpenAI chat controller to build an AI robot!

There’s a revolution brewing at the intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence

The giants, NVIDIA and OpenAI, are leading the charge, offering advancements that were once only the stuff of science fiction.

NVIDIA’s recent robotics automation advancements

Take a look at just some of the things that NVIDIA has been up to in the AI robotics world lately 🤯

NVIDIA’s AI factories

Imagine a powerhouse of innovation where data centers are actively being transformed into intelligent hubs in order to pave the way for futuristic applications.

This is not a drill – NVIDIA, in collaboration with Foxconn, has embarked on a journey to build in-real-life ‘AI factories’!

This is not a drill – NVIDIA, in collaboration with Foxconn, has embarked on a journey to build in-real-life ‘AI factories’!

These aren’t your plain old vanilla data centers either; They’re vibrant ecosystems that run off of NVIDIA’s cutting-edge chips and software. They’re designed for the sole purpose of propelling applications like self-driving cars and smart cities to new height of intelligence.

These “AI factories” are a nexus where data from autonomous electric vehicles can be collected and assimilated via custom AI applications, to refine the software and ensure that the entire AI fleet becomes more intelligent with each iteration.

NVIDIA AI agents

NVIDIA isn’t stopping there either, of course.

They’ve also taken the reins of robotic education by building an AI agent that has built-in capabilities for imparting complex skills to robots.

Picture a robotic hand, elegantly spinning a pen with a finesse that rivals human dexterity:

Video Source: NVIDIA blog

No, this ^^ is NOT a scene from a sci-fi movie; it’s a reality that’s currently being delivered by NVIDIA AI agents. Just imagine the new possibilities where robots can learn, adapt, and evolve autonomously (and even master the fine art of a complex skill, like twiddling your thumbs 😅)!

The NVIDIA generative AI adventure is just beginning

NVIDIA has broadened its horizons by infusing its robotics platform with Generative AI and LLMs.

This marriage of technologies produces the ability for robots to interpret human language prompts, and use them to tweak AI models, thereby facilitating a fluid interface where modifications are a simple conversation away.

This breakthrough is a giant leap towards making AI models more versatile in detecting, segmenting, and even reprogramming. It’s a blazing trail that heads straight towards more advanced robotic functionalities​.

The Monumental potential of NVIDIA coupled with OpenAI

NVIDIA coupled with OpenAI represents a synergy between AI and robotics which transcends all conventional boundaries. 

The marvels that await us are not confined to just labs and tech expos either; They are the harbingers of an automated era, redefining the way we perceive robotics and AI.

Intrigued? I thought you might be.

Free Training: How to Build an NVIDIA Jetbot AI Robot with OpenAI Chat Controller

We’re providing a special 1-hour training event just for enthusiasts like you: “How to Build an NVIDIA Jetbot AI Robot with OpenAI Chat Controller.

Hosted by Ayush Pai from Georgia Tech and Akmal Chaudhri, the Senior Technical Evangelist at SingleStore, this session promises a deep dive into the future of robotics and AI.

Free training on how to build an AI robot with nvidia jetbot and OpenAI chat controller
** This NVIDIA Jetbot tutorial was delivered live and is now available here on-demand **

Here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • Learn about integration techniques: Understand the nuances of integrating OpenAI Chat technology with NVIDIA Jetbot, its cutting-edge robot hardware.
  • A hands-on demonstration: Experience the marvel of the Nvidia Jetbot, equipped with an OpenAI Chat controller. Witness the future in the present!
  • Tips and tricks for advanced customizations: Every project is unique. Learn tips and tricks to modify the robot’s capabilities to suit specific needs, making your AI robot truly one-of-a-kind.
  • Keep your thumb on the pulse of AI robotics: Stay ahead of the curve by gaining invaluable insights into upcoming trends and understanding how they’ll redefine the future of the industry.

Save Me A Seat >>

Just a few reasons that you can’t afford to miss this event:

  • Stay ahead in the industry: The tech industry evolves at a rapid pace. Today’s innovations become tomorrow’s basics. To remain relevant and competitive, continuous learning and adaptation are crucial.
  • Learn to solve real-world problems: With the advancements in AI and robotics, there’s potential to address real-world challenges in novel ways. From healthcare to entertainment, the applications are endless.
  • Unlock new career opportunities: The demand for professionals who can work with AI and robotics is higher than ever! This training could be your steppingstone to a thriving career in the domain. 

Sign Me Up >>

Your future self will thank you for seizing this opportunity.

So, without further ado, SIGN UP NOW for the free NVIDIA Jetbot tutorial.

Join us and discover how to shape the future with the combined power of NVIDIA Jetbot and OpenAI.


And remember, as the famous saying goes, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”


Opportunities like this don’t come often. 🚀 Grab your seat now, before we take it down! 🚀

And, if you like this training, don’t forget to share it with a friend!

Pro-tip: If you like this type of training, consider checking out other free AI app development trainings we are offering here, herehere, here, and here.

Disclaimer: This blog post may include sponsored content or affiliate links and I may possibly earn a small commission if you purchase something after clicking the link. Thank you for supporting small business ♥️.

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